Did you know that the world creates 2.01 billion barrels of municipal solid waste each year? At least 33 percent of that waste is being extremely poorly handled in terms of environmental safety, and only 19 percent of those are recycled. Even if we try to recycle all of our items, it is important to know that some are not recyclable, which is why they end up in landfills or burned. Furthermore, an average individual tosses away around 0.74kg and ranges widely to 4.74kg of waste per day—imagine the quantity per year! And it is only 16% of the world's population, not including the high-income countries.
To give you a sense of scale, consider the total amount of waste generated by all individuals on the planet, massive, right? And for that amount of waste that ends up in landfills and oceans, it will gradually deteriorate our environment. And the worst part is that we and other living things are seriously impacted. Due to these arrays, we are here to give you six reasons why buying secondhand items is a luxury to the environment and you!
“Green practices at home are just the bare minimum of contribution on fighting against climate change, but together with all the micro efforts— we can make a change."
Instead of buying brand new stuff, here are six reasons why buying second-hand items is a luxury::
1. You give positive impact to the environment
Environmental platforms say that buying second-hand items are good for the environment, and we bet everyone heard of that! However, the question arises, in what way? Well, shopping second-hand decreases the demand for new. It relieves companies from producing large volumes of supply for profit. Thrifting second-hand items such as clothing, appliances, kitchenware, and vehicles will keep unwanted items out of landfills and decrease the probability of being burned.
2. It’s more sustainable
There are numerous advantages to shopping second-hand, some of which will benefit both you and the environment! The second reason is that it is more environmentally sustainable. Buying second-hand products is always a more ecologically friendly alternative. It is because you are preserving all of the resources that went into making that item. An average one-liter plastic bottle, for example, uses around two liters of water throughout the manufacturing process. Each of those bottles requires around 4 million joules of energy to make, and each ton of plastic produced emits three tons of CO2.
3. You can save money
If you are new to this kind of stuff, you should give it a shot! Do you have any idea why? Used goods will inevitably cost less than brand new. But if you are too lucky, you can find numerous products in thrift stores that are only slightly used or even in new condition. Saving your money, and at the same time, you are saving the planet!
4. You can transform it
Did you know that according to the Premier Wholesaler, the starting cost of second-hand clothing is $0.48, and prices change depending on its grade level— surprisingly cheap, right?
With the basic needs in transforming those textiles such as scissors, thread, and needles, you are good to go in making it into rag, art, blankets, or even redesigning it into a new style. By purchasing second-hand clothes, you already saved up to 2,700 liters of water.
5. You can promote a shift to circular economy
Currently, we are primarily moving in a straight line, which implies that we are generating stuff from finite resources, using them a few times, and then throwing them away. This is the reason why it ends up in a landfill or burned. That's why when you shift from brand new to second hand, you are also shifting the economy into a circular direction. It entails adhering to the 3'Rs of sustainability: Reuse, Repair, and Recycle.
6. You can support a good cause
Finally! Our last reason on the list— you can support a good cause! By shopping for second-hand items, you are simply voting for a better society. Many local thrift stores are non-profit organizations that donate their profits to a specific charity, such as an orphanage or calamity donation, and some are small businesses making a living.
We hope you learned something!
When you're thinking about buying something, make sure you check the list above! Use them daily, knowing that every step you take toward a more sustainable lifestyle helps the environment.