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5 Myths That Made Sense

Adrian Lepiten

Science is both fascinating and beautiful, especially when you approach it with a sense of wonder. It is, however, sometimes leads to misunderstanding and misinformation, which many people end up believing. Have you heard or read something mythical but backed up with facts? There's a lot of ambiguity there! True, myth and science are two completely different things. Well, it’s time to open our minds sometimes.

We have compiled a list of myths and beliefs that made some sense. Let's have a good time learning and preparing because these beliefs might save our lives. Check the 5 Myths That Made Sense:

Myth #1. Heavy rain is approaching if you see a colony of ants forming a line anywhere inside or outside your home.

When you see a colony of ants gathering food inside your home or even in holes of the tree, most of our forefathers think it's a sign that you should prepare as well. If you recall the fable of the grasshopper and the ant, it depicts reality. The ant gathers food while the weather is still good so that he will have something to eat during rainy days, but the grasshopper does not, and as a result, the grasshopper dies after the heavy rain.

However, this myth has made sense. The question is, is there any scientific proof to back up this popular belief? The answer is no, however ants have a proclivity for foresight and are excellent predictors. Predictions may not always come true, but the good news is that they are prepared. Ants have a wide range of sensors that, in principle, may provide them with information about impending rain. Ant antennae are sensitive detectors that can detect even the tiniest chemical residues. It can also detect small temperature changes, which could help them identify and react to the temperature drop that generally occurs after a downpour.

Myth #2. Snakes, Weasels, Centipedes, and Rats can predict earthquakes.

Is it possible to forecast earthquakes? No. A major earthquake has never been predicted by the USGS or any other scientist. Our forefathers, on the other hand, believed that animals could. And that since they are closer to God, they are noted and warned when something bad is about to happen so they may prepare. We, unlike humans, can look after ourselves.

However, the first recorded big earthquake occurred in Greece in 373 BC. Several days before the devastating earthquake, rats, weasels, snakes, and centipedes reportedly fled their homes in search of safety. Anecdotal evidence abounds of animals, fish, birds, reptiles, and insects behaving strangely in the weeks leading up to an earthquake.

Myth #3. Seagulls can predict a storm.

We located several ancestors after days of searching throughout the city. We quickly inquired as to how they forecast rain and storms. They said, ''Basta naay mga dagkong puti na langgam manlupad," or translated as, when you see seagulls flying away from the city going to different directions. It's not unusual to hear stories like these from our forefathers and mothers, but when we do, we should take it as wisdom to prepare. After all, they were the ones who arrived first.

For a long time, we relied on wild animals to forecast the weather. The seagulls, it turns out, are a kind of barometer. They can detect minor but significant changes in air pressure, which predict the impending arrival of a storm. Seagulls can predict the weather and move inland for safety, which helps them survive storms.

Myth #4. Oarfish surfacing from the depths is a sign of a tsunami or earthquake.

Oarfish drew notice after the horrific March 2011 Tohoku earthquake. It killed over 19,000 people and caused meltdowns at three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Folklore holds that if a large number of fish wash up, an earthquake is on the way. In Japan, the oarfish is known as the "Messenger from the Sea God's Palace."

Kiyoshi Wadatsumi, an earthquake researcher, stated in a Japan Times story that "deep-sea fish living near the seafloor are more sensitive to the movements of active faults than those near the sea surface."

Myth #5. Crows are mythical monsters, especially at funerals.

Cremation is infrequent in Asian countries, particularly in the Philippines. People attended the wake with the deceased body inside the coffin because the Catholic Church has historically frowned on cremation. Most of our forefathers believed that crows were mythological monsters. They warned us that if we don't guard the dead body, the crows will feast on it, and they are associated with death.

Crow funerals, according to researchers, are a mechanism for the birds to "communicate" about dangerous situations to avoid them. Aside from potentially scavenging a body, crows are attentive, signaling to others if the corpse poses a threat to their species, such as spreading infections or diseases.

Myths make sense!

Myths are stories that are commonly told to children, and they can be both entertaining and frightening. We are pretty sure your ancestors have plenty of stories they haven’t told you, especially now that we have such advanced technology that beliefs are nothing more than a figment of our imagination. They helped them survive, and we owe it to them for believing. If we encounter these occurrences, it is up to us to believe it or not, but one thing we must do first is staying safe; we must not underestimate the power of nature.


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