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10 Innovative Ways To Teach Your Kids How to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Adrian Lepiten

At home, adults and parents serve as role models and examples. Every action and word we say matters when it comes to raising children. Things like greetings, lending a hand, and even jobs can have an impact on a child's thinking. Children are capable of extracting knowledge from what they see and experience. That is why it is essential to instill positivity in our children from a young age. They must understand the fundamentals of life, which include breathing fresh air, drinking clean water, and eating healthy foods.

The principal key to administering a positive mind and thinking to our children is by teaching them how to reuse or recycle! Here are 10 Innovative Ways To Teach Your Kids How to Reuse Plastic Bottles at home:

1. Bottle bank

Teaching your kids reusing and recycling plastics makes a huge impact on them, especially how they view life; they will learn more about empathy and respect for the environment. The first item on our list is reusing bottles as money boxes for saving coins. It is an easy activity, and at the same time, you are teaching them to save money.

You just need a plastic bottle of soda or water. You can start by putting a horizontal hole right in the stomach of your bottle for about 1.5 inches, enough for your coin or cash to get in, and you can start decorating it!

2. DIY Magazine Rack

One of the best things about reusing or recycling is it can save us expenses. We all appreciate the convenience of being organized because it allows us to easily locate our belongings, but have you thought of making the organizer instead of buying it? For example, those HDPE plastics or laundry detergent bottles. It can be used as a magazine or book rack. You just have to cut them in half and let your creativity work!

3. DIY Plastic Bottle Porch

There is no season for being artistic, just as there is no season for taking care of our environment, but we can make it a habit. You can bond or play with your children whenever you have time or can make time for them. But how about we make it a productive family day? Let's make some party decorations out of recycled plastic bottles. Let’s provide our children the opportunity to express their creativity in ways that benefit our environment. Check this link to see how to make a plastic bottle porch.

4. Pretty Plastic Bottle Flowers

Source: Pinterest

We love to see flowers blooming. That's why we need to make sure that they will continue doing what they naturally do. However, plastics that end up in landfills are peaking and increasing, which leads to pollution and affects our environment.

Good habits should always start at home, to lessen the plastics from going to the landfills and oceans, why not make something pretty out of it? Prepare scissors, paints, bottles, and of course, your children. Check this link to see how to make plastic blossoms.

5. Bottle Supply Cups/ Pencil Case

Source: DIYpedia

Halfway to our list, are you enjoying it so far? Aside from house decorations, we can also make plastic bottles into pencil cases or holders. They're great for storing all kinds of art and craft materials. It is also a fantastic back-to-school craft for children. To make one, check this link for the steps.

6. Bottle Pots

Source: Super Simple

One of the most difficult aspects of gardening, especially in urban settings, is finding enough room to plant. Here is a simple way to recycle your plastic bottles: make sure to use thicker and more durable, such as soft drinks, laundry detergent jugs, or oil tubs. One thing you may do is cut the necks off your bottles to make apertures and that’s good to go. It's important to remember that grownups are in charge when doing this.

7. Plastic Bottle Sprinkler

In connection to number six, if you want to keep your plants happy and dehydrated but don't have a sprinkler, all you have to do is poke holes in a 2 liter plastic soft drink bottle, insert the hose into the bottle, and wrap some tape over the hose to secure it to the opening of the bottle. Turn on the water and the sprinkler is ready to use.

8. Bottle Scoop

Source: Picklebums

Try turning a plastic bottle into a bottle scoop! This is a very useful material, it can be used in the garden to scoop soil or it can be used for rice. You can use plastic bottles that have handles; this kind of repurposing takes very little time to create. Here's how to make one.

9. Bottle Lanterns/ Tree

Did you know that, out of all the holidays, the Christmas season generates more plastic than you can imagine? During the Thanksgiving to New Year's holiday, Americans toss away 25% more trash than at any time of year. So, make a Christmas tree out of used plastic bottles instead of throwing them away. It’s simple and easy to do, and you won’t have to spend a fortune either. Check this link on how to make this amazing DIY Christmas tree.

10. Tumbler

Source: Healthy Food Guide

The last and simplest form of reusing plastic bottles! It is also important that we should educate our kids on reusing water bottles as tumblers instead of purchasing another bottle. However, not all plastic bottles can be an alternative drinking jug but you can still use it as storage, in case there is a water shortage.

Are you enjoying the list?

Teaching kids to care for the environment is a crucial aspect of growing up. By teaching children about reusing plastic bottles, you are imparting knowledge that may ultimately make a difference. We hope you appreciate our list and find it useful in your home.


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